The Strengthening Cooperative Housing project (SCOHP) started in January 2014 and was designed to strengthen housing cooperative organizations in Uganda, with special emphasis on the newly formed Uganda Housing Cooperative Union (UHOCU).Through enhancing their capacity to support on a sustainable basis their membership in order to cause expected change in the livelihoods of the members of the PHCs. […]
Equality in access and control of resources relating to land and finance is key in achieving adequate housing. The Promoting Equality and Capacity Development in Housing CooperativesProject (PECH-HC) is a We Effect 5 years project running from 2018 to 2021. The project will focus on achieving equality first by empowering women and young people to access their […]
The Participatory Housing Approaches Towards Improved Informal Settlements (PHATIS). Comic Relief Project was one of the four cities’ initiatives to transform Informal settlements. The initiative was implemented through project partnerships. The PHATIS project was implemented by a partnership consisting; SSA:UHSNET(Grant holder), UHOCU(Implementing partner) and UCA (Implementing partner). The project focused on empowering slum communities to enhance their […]